
Embark on a journey to holistic wellness with our naturopathy services.

Rooted in the principles of natural healing and preventive medicine, our experienced naturopathic practitioners offer personalised care to address your unique health concerns.

Naturopathy packages to suit you ☕

Naturopathy packages to suit you ☕

We know that it’s not always easy to make the right decisions for your health and individual needs. That’s why we’ve put together these Naturopathy packages so you can jump straight in, get started and move forward well.

natural health fern bay

Banishing Burnout

Your Investment: $799 (RRP: $880)

Optional Testing - additional $200

natural health fern bay

Happy Guts

Your Investment: $799 (RRP: $880)

Optional Testing - additional $490

natural health fern bay

Humming Hormones

Your Investment: $599 (RRP: $680)

Optional Testing - additional $285

natural health fern bay

The Basics

Your Investment: $299 (RRP: $380)

Our Fern Bay Naturopath, Belinda Leskiw, is here to support you in all of your health needs.

Described as being very grounded and practical, Bel believes that everyone should have their own health ‘blueprint’ of what works for them so they can come back to this framework again and again to find flow, ease and empowerment in their own health and wellbeing.

But sometimes we need a little help in determining what that blueprint actually looks like!

Bel’s approach to her work does exactly this, zoning in on long term health strategy whilst healing issues and removing obstacles that come up along the way.

As part of Bel’s service she may use Functional Testing. This may include:

Female hormones
Male hormones


Hair tissue mineral analysis (heavy metal toxicity, mineral levels etc)
Genetics testing (susceptibilities)
All general testing such as full blood count, biochemistry, iron, thyroid, inflammatory markers, coeliac, etc..